
September 27, 2021
5:30PM - 6:30PM

FLARE - Special Event ... In Her Own Words

YouTube Livestream Event at 5:30 pm EDT

Speeches of First Ladies often address key societal issues and have a large impact. In this program Nancy Kegan Smith, FLARE Vice President and former Director of the Presidential Materials Division at the National Archives & Records Administration will introduce four examples of  first lady speeches from the holdings of the Presidential Libraries for analysis and comment by a panel of experts who will discuss the impact of each and speak more generally about the power of a First Lady's platform.  The speeches include:

  • An audiovisual segment of Barbara Bush's speech at Wellesley College on June 1, 1990.  This speech is on the list of the top 100 American speeches of the 20h century.  
  • An audiovisual segment of Hillary Clinton's emarks at the United Nations World Conference on Women from Beijing, China on September 5, 1995. This speech is on the list of the top 100 American speeches of the 20th century.
  • An audio segment from November 17, 2001, of First Lady Laura W. Bush making history with the  Presidential Radio Address after the 9//11 attacks.
  • An audiovisual segment of Michelle Obama's remarks on May 13, 2013, at the Bowie State University Commencement to students challenging them to make education a priority.

The panel of experts includes :

Dr. Diana B. Carlin, FLARE Treasurer and Professor Emerita of Communication at Saint Louis University
Dr. Anne Mattina, FLARE Inaugural Lifetime member and Professor and Chair of Communication at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts
Dr. Tammy Vigil, FLARE Inaugural Lifetime member and Senior Associate Dean of the College of Communication at Boston University and Associate Professor of Communication 

The program is free of charge and open to the public. Please follow the link below to participate.

YouTube Livestream:

Questions? Please contact Diana Carlin,

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