
May 20, 2024

Dolley Payne Todd Madison

May 20, 1768

Dolley MadisonDolley Todd Payne Todd Madison—Born May 20, 1768 (Guilford County, NC). Died July 12, 1849 (Washington, DC).


  • White House Years: 1809-1817
  • Dolley Madison assisted President Thomas Jefferson, a widower, with hostess roles when James Madison was Secretary of State.
  • First Lady Dolley Madison was known for being a socialite, but she also had a great political ability— often in the form of resolving disputes between politicians— that her husband valued greatly.
  • She is credited with saving the Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington and important documents when the British burned the White House in 1814.
  • After the White House was burned by the British in 1814, she continued to host events and keep morale up in the president’s temporary quarters.
  • Dolley Madison remained influential in Washington long after her time as first lady; she was constantly asked back to the White House, acting as an advisor to several first ladies.
  • Dolley Madison was the first first lady to receive an honorary seat on the floor of Congress.
  • Dolley Madison was the first first lady to respond to a telegraph message, and the first to be photographed.
  • Dolley Madison was the first first lady to reach the age of 80 years old.


  • It is done—and the precious portrait placed in the hands of two gentlemen of New York, for safe keeping.”

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