Remember the First Ladies: The Legacies of America's History-Making Women by FLARE founding members Diana B. Carlin, Anita B. McBride, and Nancy Kegan Smith was selected by Smithsonian Scholars as a best book of 2024. Read the recommendation below:
History-Making Women by Diana B. Carlin, Anita B. McBride and Nancy Kegan Smith
Recommended by Elizabeth C. Babcock, director of the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum
In a year dominated by national elections and public debates about leadership, Remember the First Ladies: The Legacies of America’s History-Making Women provides a timely consideration of the often overlooked, yet influential ways in which presidential spouses have shaped America. Less a series of biographies and more a cogent analysis of the evolution of the role of first lady, this book provides an eminently readable introduction to the women who have filled this role. The first half of the book provides a glimpse into the defining moments that shaped each woman’s approach, while the second half examines the complexities of curating a legacy for themselves and their spouses. Well-researched and drawing on memorable primary sources, this thought-provoking book brings these women to life in a way that enriches our public discourse about gender, politics and presidential leadership, and provides a critically important perspective about women in American history.
A groundbreaking book showing the evolutionary role of first lady and its historic importance on the American presidency.
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