Complete Story


Kathleen Spennrath

FLARE Treasurer,

Kathleen Spennrath has a long career working with fiduciary issues. Her work career has included finance, information technology, education, and publishing.

Ms. Spennrath handled finances as a benefits analyst in an incentive stock plan valued in the billions, ensuring shareholder records and stock transactions were accurate. She has also worked in financial management and bookkeeping.

Kathy has a life-long interest in history and particularly the study of first ladies after watching the C-SPAN series on first ladies moderated by Susan Swain. She has been a member of FLARE since 2022. She has served as a research assistant on first ladies projects including assisting with research, editing, and indexing of a recent book on first ladies.


Kathy holds a bachelor’s degree with honors from the University of Kansas and is a member of Golden Key International Honor Society and Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society.


Kathy looks forward to serving as treasurer of FLARE. Her background provides the experience to serve FLARE in the capacity of treasurer. At the same time she wants to continue to learn and promote the knowledge of the amazing lives of U. S. first ladies.


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