
September 4, 2024

Sarah Childress Polk

September 4, 1803

Sarah Childress Polk — Born September 4, 1803 (Murfreesboro, TN). Died August 14, 1891 (Nashville, TN)

Sarah Childress Polk

White House Years: 1845-1849

o Sarah Polk received an education rare for a woman of her time; she attended Moravians’ female academy, which was one of the few places to teach higher learning to women at the time.

o Well-studied in politics, it was no surprise that she married Andrew Jackson’s political protégé, James K. Polk in 1824; they had a marriage of equals.

o She served as her husband’s secretary and helped him with his speeches; she was always there to advise him.

o Sarah Polk was seen as having considerable power to influence policy, especially foreign policy.

o Sarah Polk was the first first lady to have no children.

o Sarah Polk was the first first lady to host an annual Thanksgiving dinner at the White House.

o Sarah Polk installed gas lighting in the White House.

o Sarah Polk used her favorite color as her inspiration for the White House Red Room.

o Sarah Polk was the first First Lady to be photographed with her husband and on White House grounds.


If I should be so fortunate as to reach the White House, I expect to live on twenty-five thousand dollars a year, and I will neither keep house nor make butter.

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