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2025 CSCA Convention - Graduate Student Caucus (GSC) Updates and Reminders

Hi All,

CSCA is just about a month away! I wanted to provide relevant information for you all:

  • Registration for the conference is still ongoing (even if you missed the early bird rate for the conference registration)
  • Our annual business meeting is slotted for Friday at 3:00 pm at Salon F. Attendance is highly encouraged by all caucus members (graduate students)! If you have won an award, please prioritize attending as awards are given at this meeting.
  • Please take a look at the 2024 GSC meeting minutes here; we will approve the past year's minutes at the business meeting. Come with new ideas to make our caucus better.
  • If you submitted an extended abstract, you should finish it and send it to the caucus chair by the first week of March.

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing everyone in Cincinnati this April!

If you have any questions between now and April, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Gertude Misornu Nartey (she/her)
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


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