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CSCA - Call for nominations for leadership positions of Health Communication Interest Group
Dear HCIG members,
HCIG is still looking for nominations for Vice Chair and Secretary for 2025-2026. Here are the position descriptions.
- Vice-Chair
Serves a 2-year term, the first year as the Vice-Chair and the second year as the Chair. In the first year of office, the Vice-Chair assists the Chair, serves as a paper reader, and creates a spotlight/highlight panel of their choosing which will not go through review process. The vice chair assumes the role of Chair and program planner in the second year in office during the annual business meeting.
2. Secretary
Serves a 1-year term. The secretary records the minutes of each interest group meeting and distributes minutes to membership via email, works with Chair in creating the newsletter, prepares any historical documents, and communicates with interest group members via email.
If you are a current member of HCIG of CSCA and interested in running for one of the positions, please complete this survey by March 15.
Thank you!
Hope to see you all in Cincinnati in April!
Xiaoxia Cao
Secretary of HCIG